Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is not easy, what's a voter to do?

Can't really trust any politician.

My dilemma:

I think taxes are unconstitutional, "the land of the free" should not have taxes at all and not be in the very top of tax rates worldwide. Get rid of the word "tax" and rather have a "fee" on consumption - the more you buy the more you put into the common pot to help with infrastructure etc.

Lobbying is legal corruption, don't like it. Pay people on the hill more so they're not tempted

I don't need a semi-automatic weapon

Women should decide the abortion issue to a large extent

Less government and more private enterprise BUT if the private business fails let it fail

If an individual succeeds in building a business and make good money, let him/her keep it

Any tax-breaks should be dished out proportionally based on taxes paid, i.e. someone who pays more taxes will get more back - only seems fair. Case-in-point: If I go to dinner with someone with more money than me we still split the tab - we consumed the same amount so that's only fair.

Drill for oil off shore - look to Norway as an example of a very clean country with off shore drilling. Build nuclear power plants and explore any other alternative energy source that makes fiscal sense.

The North Pole is not melting and humans have minuscule effect on the climate - when did Hollywood become our leading scientists?

Separate religion and politics/state - the alternative is war it seems.

Stop pissing off the rest of the world - we owe them more money than you can imagine.

Keep your enemies close, talk to them to find out what they're all about.

Who to vote for? Really no clue - Obama's got charisma and can move the masses like Kennedy did but I don't like taxes and more government. McCain's a war hero but do we need a warrior? Palin does not come across as ready to lead this very large and diverse nation.

I have no clue...........maybe Ron Paul is closest to my thinking...where's Ross?

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