1. Abandon personal income taxation for 24 months. The inpact is as immediate as people's next paycheck.
What about the people who don't have jobs or do not pay taxes you say? Well, this immediate addition to all taxpayers cash will certianly be used in part to buy products, that will increase demand and in turn save/create jobs VERY quickly.
What about the vaue of the US Dollar? The dollar will certainly take a hit BUT is that really as bad as some claim? Let's see, demand will increase, the dollar will fall, hmmm - sounds to me that the result will both increase US exports and increase demand of US products as they due to currency rates become more competitive with forign made goods.
What about all the IRS employees? Well, how about having them work on making all parts of the government more efficient? How about training them on technology for example? I'm sure these people can be put to good news, the glass is half full.
2. Freeze all mortgage rates at 3%, new and old. This will also have an immediate impact on every mortage-holders pocketbook starting with the next payment. Furthermore this will create a demand in the housing sector and stabilize prices.
What about the banks you say? Well, since we the people (US Government) currently lend money to banks at 0% they will have a 3% margin - financial institutions have and can sustain themselves on 3%.
3. Make the government more efficient. I don't know about you, the US Senators or members of Congress (who, by the way, I am not seeing taking any pay-cuts or personally contributing in any way - these people still fly the jets you banish the executives for flying) but have you ever been to a governmental office? Boy are these employees as ineffficient as they come and boy are their jobs secure. In business that would never be toerated and neither should it in the Government sector. I bet a reduction of 50% of government employees would have zero effect on the service-level (some sectors can be cut way more and some we cannot cut at all so I am talking average here). Why can we not use technology much more as opposed to having to go to an office, snail-mail applications and the like? We want to modernize the way we work but we do not take advantage of the technology available to us.
I would love you to say to all facets of goverment: "Look how you can MAKE money so we can avoid TAKING money (read:tax)". Is anyone in charge of looking for new revenue streams for the US Government? Somebody should be working on that in concert with somebody working on efficiency.
While I'm at it: Forbid lobbying, we all know that is legalized bribery.
Perfect? I think not. Jolt? I'd say so.
Just an idea from one of "the people"
ps - that was not even 1 page compared to the 1,000+ pages you guys put out :-)
I love your suggestions. Hopefully someone is paying attention. This 'one of the people' thinks they make a whole lot of sense.
Putting money in people's pockets through a tax cut/furlough would make too much sense. For the socialist in the WH and his cohorts in Congress, its all about making people more and more dependent on the government instead of themselves.
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